A Good Time Was Had By All (Except the Fish)

For me, the concept of gainful employment and living in the Florida Keys are mutually exclusive. On second thought, that holds true for me and any significant responsibility. Here it is, two weeks since my last post and this blog is about the only thing on my to do list other than making dinner and occasionally washing a load of clothes. Decadent slacker living and I'm loving it!

My brother Drew and his wife Cathie just finished up a visit. We made it to a craft show in Key West and to a restaurant a couple of times. Oh, and Drew and I got out on the double kayak. It was blast paddling along the canal and out into the open water and over to the closest mangrove hammock. Got back to the home dock without incident and then tipped over the kayak trying to get out of it. Turned out to be a fortuitous event as it got me into the canal and ever since I've been swimming daily. Before that, I'd stayed out of the water based on the neighbors telling me it was way too cold and Billy envisioning shark attacks. It isn't often I find myself grinning ear-to-ear, but swimming in the canal is one of those times.

Bill and Drew had an excellent fishing trip one morning just dropping a line off the closest bridge. Well, more than drop a line; it's important to acknowledge their mastery of the sport. The catch speaks for itself.

That night we had a feast. I cooked and served a pair of each species (grunt, snapper, sheepshead, pork fish, hog fish) so we could do a side by side comparison and finished the taste test with fillets of the hog fish that Drew caught. It is purported to be the best eating ever and we agreed.

The motto of the Keys Police Department

 YUUGE Cruise Ship

Voyage to the Atlantic

Captain Billy, Elvis, and I made our first voyage to the open Atlantic using the inflatable Zodiac lent to us by our neighbors, the Kelly...